Linux tips
Versiobit provides many powerful features for Linux users.
Preserving file ownership and permissions
For each file we automatically store the writable and executable flags. Thus, the essential file permissions are preserved across devices.
Running as root
The desktop app can be run within the context of a user or with root privileges. Running as root allows you to sync the files of multiple users easily without running several installations of the sync client in parallel.
When downloading files the client assigns the same user as file owner as for the parent directory. Just make sure that the top folder that you're syncing has the correct owner.
Running as systemd service
You can run Versiobit as a system service and for example sync multiple user folders without worrying about file ownership and permission issues.
First, configure Versiobit with
sudo versiobit
If you're on a server without GUI you can use the CLI instead.
Then create a file /etc/systemd/system/versiobit.service with content:
ExecStart=/opt/versiobit/bin/Versiobit run
Finally start it with
sudo systemctl start versiobit
To automatically start it on boot do
sudo systemctl enable versiobit
Alternatively, if you are running a desktop you can also create a user scope systemd service and invoke versiobit with sudo. This way the tray icon will be visible in your desktop session.